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Freelance Seattle Web Design

Freelance Seattle Web Design and Online Marketing for businesses that want to stay ahead. Our web design agency has been creating attention-grabbing websites for small businesses since 2008.

Visualwebz Trusted Reviews for SEO on Google

"A Web Design company with talent, responsiveness, professionalism, and CARING!"

Barbara Veit, MS

Board Member, Truth Pharm

Seattle Freelance Web Designer

As a Seattle Freelance Web Designer service, we can solidify and deliver complete web solutions to businesses. We ensure that your company successfully competes and gains a leading reputation online. Now, who doesn’t want the added advantage of getting ahead of the competition? After all, having a local web developer always makes sense! If you’re looking to expand your online presence and gain more customers, contact us today.

Our Freelance Seattle Web Design services will keep you covered in all areas. We know the most important thing to consider when developing a website is doing deep research on your target audience—understanding the client’s goals, industry, business, and model they would like to build with a website. Our Seattle web design services help develop and provide the most optimal website possible, thus allowing your business to flourish online.

If you are wondering, we have developed and taken care of hundreds of websites, from basic startup websites in WordPress to redesigning complete e-commerce platforms. In short, we offer everything from start to finish, including web marketing. Also, more significantly, we have a wealth of experience in fostering small to medium-sized businesses and professionals. After all, we have been operating since 2008! And cater to startups as well as established companies.

Not Just The Typical Freelance Seattle Web Design services

Just in case you wondering? Besides having over a decade of web design experience, we’re also certified in SEO and hold qualifications that exceed bachelor’s degrees!

So if you’re in the market looking for web developers and looking for a new website, then consider Visualwebz as your website design agency. We can guarantee you’d be satisfied with our services! Our value-added services are one of the best for small businesses, and we always utilize the latest web development software and online marketing strategies.

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5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website

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1. Google Visibility

Google is the number 1 search engine in the world. 

Alternative internet search engines can’t compare to the collective power of Google. It’s the ideal place to promote your business. By typing in specific keywords, you can find information on any subject.

You can expect lots of traffic if your business appears on Google’s first page. Though, It won’t be simple.

Claiming the top spot on Google is very competitive. Companies invest thousands to ensure their brand reaches the number 1 or 2 spot on Google. Many similar businesses may be on the front page.

That’s why many web design services include tactics to rank up on Google’s front page. Finding niche keywords specific to your business is necessary to ensure that people will find them.

It’s also imperative that when customers visit your website that you should install a call to action.


2. Call to Actions & Landing Pages

As experts and Freelance Seattle Web Designers, we know that call to action encourages visitors to sign up for newsletters to receive special deals. Adding a call to action on your website will generate leads, but you’ll also need a customized landing page.

Creating a customized page for visitors from specific locations can increase sign-ups.

Landing pages are standalone web pages. They’re made for advertising and marketing. Landing pages must be pleasing to the eye and have a simple layout. If there is too much content, this can overwhelm readers, and they’ll exit your site.

Landing pages are an integral part of any web design service package. They play a significant role in generating leads for businesses.


3. Exclusive Online Services

A proven strategy to bring back paying customers is to offer online services. If your business sells a product, offer customers the option to order from the comfort of their homes.

Many businesses offer this same service. Your business can provide free shipping to differentiate itself from the competition.

Use your website as an option for your customers to contact customer support. Having customer service representatives answer customer concerns makes customers happy. This can lead to positive reviews for your business, leading to more sales.

Make your customer’s experience both fast and convenient. Please give them a reason to use your website besides checking when your doors open.


4. Share Your Story

Every business has a story to share.

Get your customers involved with your brand. Have them care about what your brand represents. Companies like Nike and Apple have legions of fans loyal to their brands and won’t settle for another one.

A website is a perfect medium to share your company’s history of starting and where they are now. Releasing blogs and videos makes your website look professional and trustworthy.

What does your brand mean to your customer?

Security? Comfort? Brand awareness is key to a successful business. Find out what your company excels at and market your business as the best option for that trait.

Who will read your story if people can’t find it? That’s where search engine optimization comes into play.


5. Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) makes your content easier to find for search engines.

Many people believe it’s only for websites that only post blogs regarding SEO. That can’t be further from the truth.

Whether it’s videos or images, almost everything on your site can be implemented SEO.

SEO is one of the many web design services web building companies offer, so your site is ready for business. Optimizing every aspect of your website makes finding your site easier for search engines.

Creating popular content makes your website a popular destination for that topic. Blogs that help your visitors answer their questions will bring in more visitors. Combined with SEO, this improves your website’s chances of getting more leads.

Learn from Freelance Seattle Web Design

What is it, and why is it so important?

Well-designed websites are so essential for any small business. The website has become necessary for companies, organizations, and individuals. A website guarantees that you and your business will be accessible to millions of consumers worldwide. With over 1 billion websites available to the consumer currently, you must set yourself apart from the rest.

Web Credibility Research by Stanford found that Judgements on a company’s credibility are 75% based on the company’s website design. A study by Adobe found 38% of people will stop engaging in a website if the content or layout is unattractive. So, what is web design? Web design plans and builds a site considering the layout, colors, text styles, structure, graphics, and images. It is not only about what you currently need from your website but your future organizational goals and how your website will evolve as you need it to.

The Gomez Report, Why Web Performance Matters, showed that 88% of consumers/online visitors are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience. 

Freelance Seattle Web Design focus on INTENT

First Impressions

  • First impressions are everything. A well-designed website will deliver an accurate message to your audience. Your website should be a reflection of you and your business. Your website has only seconds to capture interest. Provide value to your audience. Readers are drawn to content that benefits them. Content should be uncluttered. Don’t forget to provide basic information to the user, such as pricing and contact information.

Seamless Navigation

  • Navigation should be seamless; the goal is to help the user move around the site quickly. Your users should know where they are, where they have been, and where they are going. Sometimes, the simple things work the best, such as linking the logo back to the homepage. Many have adopted websites, and the user is almost guaranteed to return to your homepage.
  • Keep your call to action front and center, do not make the user look for the next step. Menus should be short, simple, and self-explanatory, and mega menus can be used where you have many options for your user to navigate through. Your search function should be readily available. Your visitors will not want to sift through all of the content on your website to find the information they are looking for.

Mobile Devices

  • In 2016 mobile internet usage surpassed computer usage. According to BrightEdge, 2017, 57% of all US online traffic comes from smartphones and tablets. With the increased use of mobile phones and tablets, businesses are more critical to making their websites mobile-friendly. Using a responsive or adaptive approach when creating your website is vital. When designing your mobile site, remember to ensure your buttons are large enough to work on mobile, compress your images to increase your site speed, and use large font sizes.

Online Marketing

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for any website. It helps increase website traffic by increasing the web page’s visibility to search engine users. This allows your business to attract people likely to become paying customers or share your website with others. To ensure you and your business are well-placed, design features such as widgets, style elements, texts, and images are selected that will appeal to your target audience. This process requires much research and testing and is best left to the professionals.

Web Design and Digital Marketing is a Cycle that never stops.

As written above, the process of designing and creating a fully functional and, above all, helpful website is vast. The design process doesn’t stop once you have completed your site. Don’t forget to constantly revisit your site to test the user experience, test purchases, fix any broken links, maintain your website, and update information pricing, events, and contact info.

Employing the services of an experienced website builder and SEO marketer will ensure you get a high-quality site giving you a valuable competitive advantage. The process can be costly and time-consuming because it requires multiple levels of expertise. Consider our Seattle Web Design services. We promise that you’d be delighted by the outcome!

New Website

We create individualized custom website designs that allow businesses to expand. Our carefully crafted websites are developed with a purpose and goal: MORE CUSTOMERS!

Website Maintenance

Suppose your website is outdated and not meeting your customer's needs. We will re-design and develop a functional, attractive website with a "wow" effect. In addition, we advise on website content.

Online Marketing / SEO

You have a website, but it's not getting traffic or has limited online visibility. Our proven SEO strategies will enable your website to rank higher and generate sales.

We focus on customer relationships and success-based solutions.
Our services include understanding competition and creating individualized strategies for each customer.

VisualWebz LLC, a Leading Agency for Excellence in Web Services

Digital Marketing Agencies. National 2023 Award Web Design.

Our Freelance Seattle Web Design Services provide Benefits.

Website design is an exciting topic because it can be so broad. Though there are many benefits to web design, there are several different things one needs to keep in mind when designing their website. For example, the most crucial webpage is cross-platform compatibility, design style, website validation, content formatting, navigation effectiveness, and load times.

By considering just a few of these, you will find that the outcomes will be positive. Also, the advantage of hiring a Seattle freelance web designer will result in:


Increase your online Presence, COMPETE, and Increase your overall revenue

Freelance Seattle Web Design Help Local Businesses

We have repeatedly helped all types of businesses to gain more customers and thus increase revenue. Let’s work together and get your online business thriving. Our Seattle Web Design services are the best! Contact Visualwebz LLC, your Website Developer, and get your Seattle business thriving. Remember, our experience in web design and SEO coupled with certification is a win-win. Hire Visualwebz for all your small business website services – Call us today at (425)-336-0069

Our Web Experience:

Sector Specialities:

Selecting our Freelance Seattle Web Design Service

When selecting the right digital marketing company, the number one choice is the one that connects your brand to the people who need it most. Did you know that statics have proven that website and online marketing help enhance your revenue for your company? Here at this Seattle web design agency, we leverage all the technology so that you can focus on running your business while we handle your Seattle web design and online marketing needs.

Have you ever visited a website and immediately clicked away after viewing a bad design? Or ever been on a website where you’ve been clueless about what the business was offering? Also, have you seen websites that look so unprofessional that it loses customers instead of gaining them? There are multiple examples of such websites on the web. Don’t be one of these and lose valuable time and money on practices that don’t work.

Our Seattle Web Design services make sure that such mistakes are not made. Our developers are highly experienced and knowledgeable about such common errors others make. Also, we make sure our customers can compete with their competitors on the web. After all, we have very creative web experts that can make your websites appealing to the eye and attract new customers.

Creating professional and functional websites is why we still serve Seattle businesses. Contact us today to start a dialogue and know why we are the right choice. 

Return On Investment

A well-designed and established website is a win-win and a core part of all businesses today. More importantly, hiring an experienced and established Freelance Seattle Web Design agency will get you off to a great start!

An increase in customers from search engines

Having a website built correctly, and online marketing with the right strategies will get you more customers.

Increased sales from online orders

The right website functionalities should be in place for your business to handle the customer flow.

Better business reputation from custom website

Constant online marketing will keep your business in check regarding reputation.

Growth Potential

Small business growth through an effective online presence is possible when you hire a reputable Freelance Seattle Web Design firm.

Ahead of Competition

We will help you stay ahead of your competition, and adapt to competition as and when it changes.

Freelance Seattle Web Design Services that Understand

There’s a simple reason why web design agencies like ours work so well with small businesses. They’re small businesses themselves. That means they understand where you’re coming from as a small company, and they can work within those constraints. We know that small businesses don’t function the same way as big corporations, and it takes an exceptional web design agency to understand this. Even if you have a shoestring budget, we will work with you.

There are a lot of potential benefits that come from a well-designed website. You can represent your company and its values to anyone with your website and even develop new business leads. Also, when you have a website designed correctly for growth, you can expand and increase revenue and market penetration.

Choose the Right Seattle Web Design Agency

Choosing the exemplary Freelance Seattle Web Design can be a lot of pressure, and it also means that you have to do your homework before making a decision. Look at the agencies that stand out and meet your needs. For example, read their client testimonials, review their portfolio, and contact them with questions. In doing so, you’ll be able to determine whether or not they emulate the style you’re looking for and drive the desired results. For example, you can see why we have continually gained 5-star reviews at our agency!

Like us, most agencies will happily talk with a prospective client, especially when answering questions. Ask them how they work in your industry. Whether they have experience in your industry and how they plan to acquire new customers. Will the agency have all of such answers? This will give you an insight into how the web design agency works.

It would help if you found the perfect Seattle web design agency for your small business. After all, a little communication and understanding will allow you to see how we can help your business. We encourage you to call us today at (425)-336-0069.

Here are a few pointers to know when picking a Web Design Agency:

Your Seattle Web Design Agency should be aware of the following:

  • The purpose of building a small business website must be clear.
  • Understand the target customers of small business website construction.
  • Small business website construction must have a plan for online marketing.
  • Determine the style of small business website construction.
More details on Web Design

Freelance Seattle Web Design

If you’re looking for website design, development, a new website, or want to revamp an existing small business website, you’ve come to the right place. Notably, at Visualwebz, we understand business owners, and the website benefits your business needs. In addition, we know that being a website owner. You will want to see immediate results. Furthermore, we can help your website reach an international, national, or local customer base. Besides, we know how to get your customers to you. After all, small business websites and SEO have been our specialty since 2008!

Visualwebz LLC is the ideal firm to hire for your next project. Our website developers specialize in delivering the best websites and nothing more. Our qualifications and experience allow us to provide clear and concise solutions more significantly. We will keep you in the loop during the whole web development process. Immediately after the launch of your website, we will work with you to improve your online presence. For example, our SEO specialists will help drive traffic to your website with this in mind. We will also ensure your web security – remember, you must secure your website from hackers. Similarly, other website design services include website maintenance, support, and testing.

Freelance Seattle Web Design

Online Marketing & Seattle Web Design since 2008. From web design through to online marketing, we do it all!

Web Design & SEO Services for Small Businesses

At Visualwebz, we provide a range of WordPress (WP) web design, website development, and web marketing services to a diverse group of small businesses. Be it a WordPress website design for a large company, SEO for a startup, or an e-commerce website for a brick-and-mortar small business, we will deliver it. Our web developers have a strong understanding of small businesses. Furthermore, we encourage you to read Visualwebz reviews and see why our customers are happy with our work and outcomes.


Healthcare Web Design Services

We offer a range of medical web design services for the healthcare industry. Our medical website solutions branch out to all areas of the healthcare field. Dental web designers' effective dental web design services serve Dentists, Dental Clinics, specialized  Dental Practices, Orthodontists, Dentistry, and Dental Practices. For example, Bothell Dental Care is one client for whom we have helped the site gain an online presence.

Hire the best medical website developers for your healthcare website, dentist, or walk-in clinic. We don't end there with our website services but branch to other healthcare services like Doctors, specialist Doctors, Medical Services, Psychologists, Plastic Surgeries, ChiropractorsPsychiatristsVeterinary practices, and other healthcare-related practices. Connect with one of our web designers today.



Services Sector

Professional web solutions for the services sector

Our website builder and SEO services assist all types of businesses. Some of which include:


Web Design & SEO for Professionals





Web services for other industries

Website design services that benefit nonprofits, such as religious centers and churches, have always been part of our portfolio. For example, we manage the local Seattle Christianity website. Another example is redesigning a Seattle-based nonprofit, website. Other nonprofits we are working with include

We give back!

As part of giving back, we help nonprofits. We don't profit from any nonprofit website design or SEO services provided to nonprofits. If you have a great cause you are working for, let us help your nonprofit. We may even do it for free! Be it in Federal Way, Bellevue, or New York. We can help you get results. We can fix a broken website and get your charitable cause or church back on track.

Regarding web design and online marketing, we serve other industries such as Home Owner's Associations websites, Government Agencies, and political parties.

Learn more about our Web Design & Digital Marketing.

Visualwebz provides functional, affordable web design services for small businesses and individuals. Our creative, results-driven design solutions maximize the usefulness and impact of your website. We offer free consultations and estimates, so you know exactly how much your project will cost.

Insight into Seattle Web Design

As its name suggests, freelance Seattle Web Design services is a skill or discipline described by using techniques to design a web page with meaningful contents, readable layouts, and notable interaction between users. More importantly, it’s a web service offered to small businesses in and around the Seattle area.

Our Seattle web design services provide effective and professional websites with beautiful UI (User interface). Hence, get your ideas and information, such as products, services, pictures, and cultures, to your customers. After all, we know that a functional and creative website plays a vital role in building the reputation of companies and attracting users and traffic.


Let us explain Freelance Seattle Web Design & Seattle Web Development.

Web design is often used interchangeably with web development in our everyday language. In some sense, that is true. However, web design and web development are two different things that are tightly connected, and they have several fundamental differences. First of all, as the name states, web design focuses more heavily on the design aspects and layout part of the web page. In other words, it can be categorized as designing the front end of a website or web page. In contrast, as you can probably tell from the name, web development focuses on developing the web page using programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript for the front-end part of the web and PHP for the back-end part.

Web Design

Web design has a central role in attracting users and customers based on the layout and visual representation of the page. For example, most of us are visual-based and will turn away from a website if it does not attract us at first glance. Therefore, a vital aspect of web design is visual design. It may seem trivial that visual design is a simple thing, but it has more insights than you think. For example, there are numerous visual design principles in web design, including proportionality, color theory, choices of grids, separation of elements, and typography, to name a few. Such approaches target the psychological effects of different elements on the end users, for instance, what a different color can convey messages and how space could affect users’ feelings.

In addition to visual design, UI design, an abbreviation for User Interface design, also plays an influential role in web design. Most people might think UI design is the same as visual design. While they could sometimes be used interchangeably, they focus on different aspects of the web design flow. As its name implies, UI design weighs on the user interface’s representation, manages the representation of complex information, and integrates numerous tasks and workflows into a pleasing interface. A typical example is a 5-second rule, where visitors can stay on the website or immediately leave.

Freelance Seattle Web Design is a Discipline

To sum it up, Seattle web design services are a discipline, and our process integrates complex ideas and raw materials using various techniques. We know that a good web design tends to be excelled and, when put together, provides an excellent end product.

We at Visualwebz demonstrate our expertise in the full process of web design and web development and ask you to outsource your website project to us. Furthermore, the line between design and development is becoming transparent, and a lot of time, you are required to be excelled at both. Connect with us today at (425)-336-0069.

Website Design - Call (425).336.0069

Seattle Web Design & SEO Expert

Seattle Web Design - Where Great Websites are Built

Freelance web designer Seattle services – Visualwebz LLC – 425-336-0069

Websites are essentially an information delivery system, and they rely on two closely related disciplines to present that information coherently. These are design and web development. These positions may work independently, but they function as two components of a single team to ensure a website looks and performs as intended.

Our Seattle web design services include a clear understanding that content and distribution are essential for any website. Also, we know that we offer the best cooperative engine for delivering professional website designs and online marketing. 

Our Seattle Web Design Services

Our web designer’s job is to maintain an information hierarchy. For example, a company’s address is not nearly as important as its product line, so we sort all the relevant information for a site and ensure it’s presented to indicate its importance. After all, less relevant information still needs to be available, but it doesn’t need to be the headline on the home page. Our web design services ensure the site has a coherent theme, is easily understood, and is quickly navigated. 

Our Washington Web Design Services

The development of a functional website always requires that the purpose and function are first understood. For example, is the menu supposed to be interactive? Does a window link to a video on another server, such as YouTube, or should it be an embedded feature? Our Seattle website developers resolve these aspects of the site based on input from designers and customers. 

After Development…

Once the site’s function is established, we test and evaluate the performance. For example, are links working correctly? Are the images in the right place and at the correct size? Do related pages link to one another in a manner that makes sense? Does the information hierarchy display as intended? These are all additional responsibilities we take care of and troubleshoot.

Seattle Web Design & Developer may be One…

Our designers and developers are full-stack developers. Though these are two separate sets of responsibilities, they can be handled by the same person. The result should remain the same whether a single person manages the design and development, two separate people, or even two teams. A seamless user or customer experience where the content offered by a business, individual, or organization is distributed cleanly and effectively to visitors and, hopefully, customers. After all, your web design process delivers solutions to customers seamlessly.

Seattle Web Design for Small Businesses

Hire a local Seattle Web Design firm recognized by various agencies and its customers for practical solutions. Our website developers provide quality web design solutions coupled with excellent customer service. Whether you’re a small business in Seattle, Bellevue, or Issaquah, we will deliver! You can ask firsthand why our web design quality and customer service are paramount to our success. To prove it we can also provide contacts to our customers. 

Professional Website Development by Seattle Web Design

Whether you’re a CPA, school, or medical practice? Hire Visualwebz and be ahead of your competition.

Seattle Web Design also offers SEO services nationally

Besides providing Seattle Website Design, SEO, and online marketing to local businesses, we offer similar services to small businesses in other states. For example, local cities include BellevueFederal Way,  Issaquah, Kirkland, Lakewood, WA, Monroe, Olympia, Tacoma, and Bellingham, WA.

Contact Visualwebz LLC for all your web design, e-commerceWordPress, maintenance, and online marketing needs. Whether it’s a dental practice or a cruise ship business, our experience speaks for itself! Our experience, expertise, and solid outcomes are the key reasons our web design agency stands out! Call now at (425)-336-0069.

Looking for a Seattle Website Development Company?

Hiring Seattle web design is as simple as a calling us at (425)-336-0069 or emailing us at

Seattle Web Design Agency